Amy White

Nutritionist, Health & Lifestyle Coach
Health • Wellness • Weight Loss

Elevate Your Wellness Journey with Amy White, Your Trusted Weight Loss Coach

As a board-certified holistic nutritionist and certified weight loss coach for women, I've worked with clients for over 12 years. My goal is to empower women on their journey to lasting transformation. Through personalized coaching and long-lasting weight loss strategies, I guide you toward sustainable lifestyle changes that extend beyond conventional approaches. I understand the unique challenges women face in their weight loss journey, especially during midlife, and my experience equips me to address these intricacies with empathy and expertise.

With my holistic weight loss coaching program and personalized attention, you'll learn the lifestyle changes for permanent weight loss. This program is meticulously designed to guide women through proven strategies and solutions that bring lasting results. The Simplicity of Wellness is all about simplifying health and wellness, empowering you with the tools and knowledge you need to lead a healthier and happier life.

Join me on this journey towards a healthier you.

Body Goals

I truly believe that when the body is given what it needs it will respond with health and strength. The primary goal of the body is to be in balance and function optimally. Your body wants you to have energy, a happy mood, great sleep and a perfect body weight. You and your body want the same thing! If you feel like your body is fighting against your weight loss and wellness goals you’re probably right. The thing is, it’s really not your body fighting you, it’s you fighting your body. Cutting calories, not getting enough sleep, bingeing on sugar and over indulging with alcohol are just some of the ways you fight against your body. When you’re ready to support your body and find balance give me a call. Together we can create a plan to put you and your body back on the same team.

Diet Change

You are unique. Your level of health, the medications you may be taking, specific lifestyle factors and more will impact how quickly your body shifts and changes. The scale is only one data point and in my opinion not the best measure of success. Success breeds success. It’s important to be aware of different measures of positive change. This is how you succeed. You need to listen to your body and see the change even when the scale doesn’t move. I teach my clients how to measure success. This creates the motivation which is the foundation of consistency and life long positive change.



I believe true health and a happy body weight can only be achieved and maintained when feelings of hunger, deprivation and fatigue are NOT part of the equation. My clients achieve real, lasting results because their move away from sugar cravings is bridged with transition foods and a knowledge of how to make low-sugar food substitutions. With an understanding about how to make Good-Better-Best food choices my clients can consistently eat and enjoy foods that work WITH their body even when they’re busy, tired or just not in the mood to cook.

amy white nutrition, weight loss, hangry to healthy

Join My Online Weight Loss Coaching Program for Lasting Results

Hangry to Healthy™ is a holistic weight loss coaching program that addresses everything that plays a role in your wellness journey. This includes your diet, stress levels, activity levels, sleep, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and more. Together, we will develop a personalized plan that works for you.

Here's how my program will help you:

Overcoming weight loss setbacks by identifying things holding you back from achieving your goals. This will help target the root cause so you can lose weight for the last time.

Creating weekly, doable, step-by-step plans so you know exactly what to do.

Weekly progress classes where we address your concerns and ensure you're consistently getting the results you want.

Consistent support and guidance every step of the way to help you stay on track.

As a result, you will:

Believe in your strengths again and feel motivated to improve your lifestyle

Look and feel better and gradually become an empowered, stronger, and happier version of you

Are you tired of constantly trying different fad diets and feeling exhausted? Well, it's time to shift your focus from all-or-nothing approaches to understanding your strengths and limitations and planning accordingly. With my customized weight loss strategies and solutions, failure or giving up is no longer an option. You will not only achieve your desired weight loss goals but also maintain it in the long run.

My approach is to understand your strengths and limitations and plan accordingly so failure or giving up is no longer an option. Rather than emphasizing restrictive measures, my focus is on guiding you toward making lifestyle changes for permanent weight loss. This holistic approach not only transforms your physical well-being but also cultivates emotional and mental strength.

So, are you ready to become a part of an online weight loss coaching program that is not only effective but unbelievably enjoyable? Join me as we work together to shape a path toward lasting well-being and empowerment.

Book a Free Consultation Now—Your Personalized Weight Loss Journey Awaits

The next step is to book a free consultation with me. During this session, you can share how you're feeling, where you are, and where you want to be. I'll show you how I can help you get there with my weight loss coaching program.

There's no cost or obligation involved—just a one-on-one conversation to talk about how you can lose weight for the last time.


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